My Story

You know that saying, I was normal 3 cats ago? Well, I have 4. People have called me a cat lady for years and I used to be a little embarrassed by that phrase. I guess because I had the picture in my head of the “crazy cat lady” that most people envision; old lady in a robe, hair in curlers, looking worn out and frazzled with 27 cats in tow. That’s not me. I just love cats. I love my cats. I love other people’s cats. I love to read stories about cats. I love to watch funny cat videos.

I’ve had cats for as long as I can remember. I was the little girl that would make my mom pull over on the side of the road so I could chase a stray into the woods.

I may be crazy for lots of reasons, but I’m not crazy because I love cats. Do people call a woman with more than one dog a crazy dog lady? What about a man with cats? Does he get the title of crazy? Never heard it. What I learned was that if I took the title as a badge of honor and owned it, it became okay to be a crazy cat lady. It’s not a bad thing. I AM crazy about cats….and since you are here, you might be too…or you know someone who is! I hope you find exactly what you are looking for…and check back often for new products. All of the products are hand picked by me and sometimes my kitties talk me into letting them test the toys! They are very purr-suasive!!

Welcome fellow cat mommas and dads! You are among your people.

-Momma J

Meet my updated team...

Abe, our beloved Chief Food Officer (CFO), will always hold a special place in our hearts as he crossed the Rainbow Bridge this past Easter Sunday (March 2024). We cherish the memories of his love for food and the joy he brought to our team.

Luna has kindly stepped up to lead the team as our new CEO (Cat Executive Officer), ensuring both the humans and felines stay on their best behavior.

We'd like to introduce our new team member, Cats Domino, or Domino for short! Domino has been appointed as the CMO (Chief Meow-keting Officer). He's a big guy with an even bigger voice, always ready to make his presence known. Domino brings not only his sizable stature but also larger-than-life ideas to promote our purr-fect products.

Blackie Chan continues to excel as our Outreach Coordinator, serenading the world with CCM's praises.

And last but not least, Tex remains our dedicated Chief Toy Tester (CTT), diligently ensuring our products meet the highest standards for feline fun!

My cats call me Momma J…at least, that’s what I think. They probably really call me Susan.

My cats are part of my family and I want them to have a great life. If there is such a thing as reincarnation, I would like to come back as one of my cats because they’ve really got it made! Sleep, eat, play, repeat…and have someone clean up all your messes. Dream come true!

They don’t bring any money into the household, but what they do for me is priceless! I reap the rewards of their presence in my life everyday. Sometimes I’d like them to let me sleep a little later, but maybe they’re just excited to see me. Ya think? Oh well, whatever the reason, they make my life better. If you’ve ever loved and been loved by a cat, you know it’s a truly special thing!